The problem with Doha is that while you can get designer clothes, designer shoes, designer handbags, designer luggage, up-market cars etc etc, there isn't actually much in the way of up-market western food. Megamart at Landmark had the best selection but they closed it and replaced it with a yet another Carrefour. My friends tell me that they spend less at Carrefour than they would have spent in Megamart. Well, so do I because at Carrefour they don't stock half the things on my shopping list. I've been shopping at Al Meera since Megamart closed. I try to avoid Carrefour if possible.
The problem with Doha is that while you can get designer clothes, designer shoes, designer handbags, designer luggage, up-market cars etc etc, there isn't actually much in the way of up-market western food. Megamart at Landmark had the best selection but they closed it and replaced it with a yet another Carrefour. My friends tell me that they spend less at Carrefour than they would have spent in Megamart. Well, so do I because at Carrefour they don't stock half the things on my shopping list. I've been shopping at Al Meera since Megamart closed. I try to avoid Carrefour if possible.