At one time I was concidering having IVF, then I saw a program on TV about it, what it involved, the hours of going to the hospital, open your legs, medication etc etc. I realized that I would never get pregnant this way because of a) my work and b) my temperament. So I gave up on the idea. I accepted that I was never going to have a child. Anyway meanwhile I had started to have reflexology. The lady there said that she would do all her best- After a couple of moths refexology, which is good for the body anyway,my thoughts were not with getting pregnant anymore, I was working hard to open my own company. I missed a period. Had a test done. Yes I was pregnant. As I had had several miscarriages before I kept it quite and did not want to think about being pregnant. Well, I still had an appointment with the reflexologist and went as usual. When she started to massage my feet she said she could feel something. Remember she did not know I was pregnant. Anyway I stopped going to her as I got scared she would do a wrong manipulation and make me loose the baby. Also I thought it was quite freaky that she could feel it in my feet. I did not tell anyone I was pregnant untill I was 7.5 months and untill the day my daughter was born I was afraid something would go wrong.After I had delivered my beautiful daughter the reflexologist came to visit me . She had heard that I had a baby. She asked for a reference letter, which I sadly say I never gave her. But she did deserve it. Now with hindsight I must say she deserved everything because I am sure she was very influencial in me getting pregnant.
My recommendation is go and see a good reflexologist. If you are looking for a good one, there is this Thai girl, her name is Mem. She works for this salon in Mamoura. Allochi or something like it. It is on the road (left side) when you drive from the Al Attiyah round about towards the Vegetable market.
Give it a try and wish you the same good luck as I had. My daughter is now 19 years old and still beautiful.
At one time I was concidering having IVF, then I saw a program on TV about it, what it involved, the hours of going to the hospital, open your legs, medication etc etc. I realized that I would never get pregnant this way because of a) my work and b) my temperament. So I gave up on the idea. I accepted that I was never going to have a child. Anyway meanwhile I had started to have reflexology. The lady there said that she would do all her best- After a couple of moths refexology, which is good for the body anyway,my thoughts were not with getting pregnant anymore, I was working hard to open my own company. I missed a period. Had a test done. Yes I was pregnant. As I had had several miscarriages before I kept it quite and did not want to think about being pregnant. Well, I still had an appointment with the reflexologist and went as usual. When she started to massage my feet she said she could feel something. Remember she did not know I was pregnant. Anyway I stopped going to her as I got scared she would do a wrong manipulation and make me loose the baby. Also I thought it was quite freaky that she could feel it in my feet. I did not tell anyone I was pregnant untill I was 7.5 months and untill the day my daughter was born I was afraid something would go wrong.After I had delivered my beautiful daughter the reflexologist came to visit me . She had heard that I had a baby. She asked for a reference letter, which I sadly say I never gave her. But she did deserve it. Now with hindsight I must say she deserved everything because I am sure she was very influencial in me getting pregnant.
My recommendation is go and see a good reflexologist. If you are looking for a good one, there is this Thai girl, her name is Mem. She works for this salon in Mamoura. Allochi or something like it. It is on the road (left side) when you drive from the Al Attiyah round about towards the Vegetable market.
Give it a try and wish you the same good luck as I had. My daughter is now 19 years old and still beautiful.