Obtaining Family VISA is more of a trick in this part of the world.
They do say lot of things in rule and if you have "wasta" ..these are overlooked and it will be done in a matter of second.

To corroborate the subject matter of salary amount and limit, Authorities may ask for Bank Statement showing the regular credit in your bank account on a particluar date. As the level of compliance knowledge is quite funny in this part, they may ask to see whether the "description" of the transfer entry read as "Salary transfer"...They may not ask as well.

To be on your safer side, ideally suggest your manager to they are giving the pay-check and you deposit every-month, what is the harm in making that process with a little bit change by transfer ?

I when they give you pay-check, that does not mention in your bank statement as "Salary"... And in this part of the world, there is no compliance requirements from Labour Dept as well on this matter.

Sorry to you for being so confusing in my reply..but that is the actual situation here..

God bless you....