I really thought of writing or not writing this experience but I felt I must split it out of my chest,, to start with I swear what I am writing  the truth and I have nothing to do with QTel and I have no relative or friends work for Qtel, (just call me to give my personal details and all the emails I sent and received  to prove this) I have the worst experience with Vodafone p2p sells people and net service,

the first one was when they have the I pnone monopolized on the market, I went to landmark with my friends 2 of them  bough IPhone  handset without a plan then myself  went to the lady salesperson, (I think she didn’t like my beard or something)  she told me we have 16 gb only  but you must buy a plan ( I was going to get a plan anyways but when I felt it’s a must for me and not must for my colleague) I went” why?  she said” this is the rules,  I told her my friend just got it without plane I could call him for you, she said this is the rules and I am the duty manager and there is nothing you could do even If you want to complain you could, I send complain emails I received a phone call after 3 emails, telling me that if you want IPhone we will sell you but we don’t have stock,  I answered” I already bought  I phone from star link with 500 QR extra but I don’t care, the problem is not the IPhone the problem is the treatment, the lady on the phone said we will get back to you, of course  this was last year and no one got back till today

after this I thought I will never  going to own a Vodafone number  (as I haven’t till now), last week I thought it’s not fair  I must have at least one, and I should move on that un polite salesperson, I went to their website I spin  the free   numbers I spin for quiet time to get nice free number,  I got a nice number starts with 3000 I selected it, I got a massage we can’t process , I said it’s okay I tried again with other number after little time spinning I received another nice number starts with 3000 same thing happened ( I printed screen and saved  the page) then I spine once I tried to purchase any other number it worked, I thought then I should try to find good number the system work, again three or four time I received good numbers but the system didn’t let me get them ( I saved the screen to complain later on) , and that’s what I did I called the number on the net of course it was Qtel mobile I was using, I stayed on the line for 8 minutes waiting for my turn but no one answered, then I sent emails with the screen shots I took, I really received nonsense answers

well, I said I want a Vodafone number no matter what, I spin I got regular number I as for delivery to the land mark, today is the eighth days and I haven’t received it where I really don’t want it anymore


I am writing really cause I am disappointed after long waiting for another telecom company in Qatar we receive this who only play on call price forgetting the people rights and the worst thing my friend called the Vodafone customer service (800 number) he found out that the  customer service location is in Egypt not in Qatar, I wonder why, Qtel has so many problems but over all they respect the people minds and no nonsense answers we got