this is something which to piss me off at work.i have a colleague who regularly speaks to others in arabic especially in our unit where there are guys from india russia and czech republic.(and mind you thats when he is discussing a surgical case).at least he could show us the courtsey of our any case i learnt to ignore it.
but then again i have a qatari colleague(albeit trained in canada) who insists everyone speak english especially when there are non arabs around.
this is something which to piss me off at work.i have a colleague who regularly speaks to others in arabic especially in our unit where there are guys from india russia and czech republic.(and mind you thats when he is discussing a surgical case).at least he could show us the courtsey of our any case i learnt to ignore it.
but then again i have a qatari colleague(albeit trained in canada) who insists everyone speak english especially when there are non arabs around.
i love him just for that.
do it right - the first time!