You all need to do a lot of homework about this rape issue. The word rape is not even in the Quran. Under Sharia, a rape requires four male witness to be proved. A woman who complains of rape is herself charged with adultery if she does not produce four male witnesses, and is often stoned to death in many countries. That was the case with Amina Lawal of Nigeria who was sentenced to stoning by Sharia court because she got pregnant and could not produce four witnesses. Only from a lot of world wide infidel (western) pressure was she saved. Thousands of rape victims are in Pakistani, Saudi, Afghani, etc. jails for lack of 4 witnesses.

Go do your homework. This is reality.

Could this women have gone to the doctor and proven with DNA that she had had sex with those men? Yes, but so what? Obviously, and as she explained, that isn't the issue. A lot of men apparently know all about what happened to her, and their response was just as what happens in all the other Muslim countries. Charge her with being a whore. It is her word against theirs. She cannot prove in any way over here that is wasn't consensual.

Here in Qatar, UAE, Oman, almost the exact same thing happens, but under the table. In very high-profile cases that the victim manages to get in the media, which is very rare, the "courts" will actually prosecute the offender if very obvious evidence exists.

Countless thousands of rape cases do not go to court at all because the authorities will not even listen to them. This happens all the time in Qatar. And not just girls are raped, guys are as well...

Go do your homework. This is reality.

The fact that you on on here attemping to defend this behavior, arguing that it's not "that bad" says all that needs to be said. Why aren't you actively going on message boards speaking out against the brutal reality of what goes on here in the Middle East? Why aren't you out picketing for workers rights and defending the abused workers here? Why aren't you out speaking against the dozens of terrorist attacks that take place every day? Instead of working for change you are defending the problem? You should seriously be ashamed of yourself.