Don't come until you have confirmed places in a school you are happy with. Some schools require the children to pass an entrance examination and don't even think of coming here if your child has special educational needs.
I left my dog in the UK. It broke my heart but it was the right decision for the dog. Yes, there are plenty of expat dogs around but my dog was used to running free in woods and fields for about an hour a day. None of that here. Also, I return to the UK for 6 - 8 weeks in the summer and 2 weeks at Christmas. If the dog had been with us she would have been in kennels for this time. Can you leave your dog behind for a while while you make a more informed decision about bringing him?
I was bored to tears after a couple of months here because I found it difficult to meet people but you have children so you'll probably have fewer problems in this respect. I now have an interesting job so I'm no longer bored.
I don't like the heat. This was a big concern before for me I came but I was assured that this wouldn't be a problem, you go from your air-conditioned house, get into your air-conditioned car and drive to the air-conditioned mall. Right, and then you realise that you're indoors 24/7 for half the year (and I was used to walking the dog for an hour a day, every day).
The families I meet seem to be happy and the children in my compound play safely in the street, play areas and swimming pool. Try to come for a visit first but you absolutely must sort out your children's school before you arrive.
Don't come until you have confirmed places in a school you are happy with. Some schools require the children to pass an entrance examination and don't even think of coming here if your child has special educational needs.
I left my dog in the UK. It broke my heart but it was the right decision for the dog. Yes, there are plenty of expat dogs around but my dog was used to running free in woods and fields for about an hour a day. None of that here. Also, I return to the UK for 6 - 8 weeks in the summer and 2 weeks at Christmas. If the dog had been with us she would have been in kennels for this time. Can you leave your dog behind for a while while you make a more informed decision about bringing him?
I was bored to tears after a couple of months here because I found it difficult to meet people but you have children so you'll probably have fewer problems in this respect. I now have an interesting job so I'm no longer bored.
I don't like the heat. This was a big concern before for me I came but I was assured that this wouldn't be a problem, you go from your air-conditioned house, get into your air-conditioned car and drive to the air-conditioned mall. Right, and then you realise that you're indoors 24/7 for half the year (and I was used to walking the dog for an hour a day, every day).
The families I meet seem to be happy and the children in my compound play safely in the street, play areas and swimming pool. Try to come for a visit first but you absolutely must sort out your children's school before you arrive.