There's some discussion here about "accidentally" or "unintentionally" driving through traffic signals on red.

If a driver is properly concentrating, it is not possible to run a red light by mistake. It's big, bright and red and it's right before your eyes (if you are looking).

Jumping red lights kills people - and not just the idiots who do it. So maybe the threat of the huge fine will concentrate the mind.

((NB: The traffic signals by the Asian Games athletes village (btwn Sports and Civil Defence roundabouts) are very badly designed. It is easy to mistake the "straight ahead" signal for the "turn left" signal. I have seen a number of serious accidents at this junction when drivers have run red lights whilst making a left turn. I don't think this undermines what I have said above - it's just an exception to the general rule.))

Not using phones and stopping kids leaping around inside the car should also minimise distractions.

I still wince every time I see a child not wearing a seatbelt, even in the rear seats. Years ago, my sister was badly injured when she was thrown through the windscreen from the back seat of the car.

I can't believe there's nothing in the new laws to enforce protecting children travelling in the back seats.

Slow down a bit, look where you are going, strap your kids in - then look forward to a long and happy future together.
