Yeah, it's such a relief to go somewhere where people, for the most part, still respect one another's possessions, and theft is abhorred.

Typical American paranoia, but in the usual stock conversation, people asked me why I'd go to a dangerous country (that usual grouping stereotype about all the Middle East being a war zone or a terrorist zone, etc.). I told them that frankly I felt safer in Doha than I did when I had to live in Tucson, AZ for 9 months while finishing school.
Now *that* place was a ghetto-ey drive-by shooting waiting to happen...

Men here gawk at you if you're a woman, which drives me crazy. But at least it's just gawking, that's all. Nothing else. I got the same treatment in Japan, another relatively safe country-- let's staring at the foreigner. And, yeah, it drove me crazy there too.

You have to be careful anywhere you go. I'll lock my car, and I lock my house, and I put valuables and money and such away. But at least I am fairly confident that someone isn't going to run up behind me and try to snatch my handbag in the grocery store (which happened in Tucson once).

But it was still great to hear that you had a good experience with your stuff being returned.