Just looked at your blog. One or two suggestions...

1) Try and make the font a bit bigger. {reading tiny ones is a bit of a struggle}

2) Try leaving space between paragraphs. {so that one gets a sense of direction as to where one paragraph finish and the next, start}

3) Try taking away the colour black. {My first blog was black. Long ago, my cousin who introduced me to blogging adviced me to change the colour as it looked too depressing. He said that in time, i would stop going back to my blog. I refused to listen. My black blog is now dead.}

Just a few thoughts. You don't have to go by it. I used to read a lot of blogs, not any more. These observations are based on what i saw then. Times, and trends may have changed. If it has, forget that i ever said those things.

Blog on!

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