Qatar Dolly - no one is going to deny the fact that fasting does make you tired and weak. Thats the whole point of fasting. When one is tired, hungry thirsty and weak, it is easy to loose ones temper and act in a rash way etc.. The whole point is to train ones body and mind to control all these emotions, urges, desires. Its a training program - now some might be successful in it - some might not. I myself have had plenty of bad experiences with some of these so called "pious fasting folks" with their temper and arrogance! And I have asked a few of them even - whats the whole point in their fasting if they cant even follow the basic courtesies while on road or on public places. Some fight back - some just walk off. But at the same time - I have come across many people who embrace it properly and fast in the right sense and it is indeed a very pleasant experience to interact with them. Now - I am sorry that most of your experience were negative. But venture out - you would find the other side of the coin which is much better!


" Life is not a party we hoped for, but while we are here, we might as well dance! "