Ok....firstly the green blinks thrice engaging amber. The amber doesn't blink. Amber stays for 4 seconds before the red engages.
Now how sure are you that you cleared your last sensor (after white strip) before red came on? Most red jumps are done during a U and a Left turn. My friends jumped red coz there was a huge dumper ahead of them and they cudn't see the signal turn red while they crossed the last sensor. Once crossed you can still stop and reverse. Most people choose not to and end up penalised.
It also may have happened that another vehicle may be crossing at the time as you and you've been falsely caught instead. The photos will certainly prove it.
Whats your exact explanation on this? You better have a good argument for the Traffic police guys. Goodluck and cheers!!
Ok....firstly the green blinks thrice engaging amber. The amber doesn't blink. Amber stays for 4 seconds before the red engages.
Now how sure are you that you cleared your last sensor (after white strip) before red came on? Most red jumps are done during a U and a Left turn. My friends jumped red coz there was a huge dumper ahead of them and they cudn't see the signal turn red while they crossed the last sensor. Once crossed you can still stop and reverse. Most people choose not to and end up penalised.
It also may have happened that another vehicle may be crossing at the time as you and you've been falsely caught instead. The photos will certainly prove it.
Whats your exact explanation on this? You better have a good argument for the Traffic police guys. Goodluck and cheers!!