You need to take a hard look at the offer and your expected expenses before making any commitments to come here. At QR26K a month you are looking at a minimum of 10K for housing ("decent" 3bd flat) plus schooling will be ~6K a month for each child. Of your 26K you are looking at only 4K after those two expenses, which is roughly $1,100 USD a month. Can you currently live on $1,100 USD a month back home?
Do not count on your husband to find work here, if he doesn’t have an offer you need to seriously think about staying where you are. On the other hand, if you both get an offer your salary would pay your expenses and you could live off of his.
You need to take a hard look at the offer and your expected expenses before making any commitments to come here. At QR26K a month you are looking at a minimum of 10K for housing ("decent" 3bd flat) plus schooling will be ~6K a month for each child. Of your 26K you are looking at only 4K after those two expenses, which is roughly $1,100 USD a month. Can you currently live on $1,100 USD a month back home?
Do not count on your husband to find work here, if he doesn’t have an offer you need to seriously think about staying where you are. On the other hand, if you both get an offer your salary would pay your expenses and you could live off of his.