been so poor would be as blaze about it!! Poverty that you or i have suffered in life is nothing to poverty that these people suffer.

If you have no education how do you better yourself? If your parents had to make you work instead of going to school how you get an education? If you work a manual job and have no education how do you give up your job to get an education? How does someone with no money or education get themsleves out of poverty?

i grew up poor, very poor - but in comparison to my peers, when i look at how i group up to the rest of the world my family was a rich one. No one who has ever had to worry about where there next meal will come from could possibly be that easy about poverty!

You are correct in saying teach them to fish instead of giving them fish, but how can they fish if there is a drought and the rivers have dried up?

[img_assist|nid=13270|title=Love Life|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=113]

love life!