Hi Lamb,

i know you directed your question at Avid but i share his veiws on the market here so i hope you dont mind if I respond!

I am not sure where you get your information on the Dubai Marina but if there are apartments available there for 550 000 AED i would like to see them.
I spent alot of time looking at property in Dubai when i lived there and while the prices looked like they would be leveling out they certainly are showing no signs of "crashing".
In the same breath i think Dubai is finally catching up with the demand for apartments, roughly 350 000 coming online in the next year or so while they are still far behind in the villa department.

The difference is that Dubai has been buildiing its freehold market for the last 15 years, Doha has just started and there are a large numer of young professional like myself and Avid who are looking to buy, not rent.....
So they demand will drive the price and it will be at least another ten years before they catch up with the demand.
I previously commented that the investment would be safe for around ten years, political climate not with-standing.

Now that is my opinion, what do you think? i am very interested to get other people perspective.

