you are looking at about QR 6000-8000 for the 2 bedroom flat alone, a new car will set u back QR1000/1500 then u still have to eat, pay petrol, car maintenance, utilities, insurance, any investments u have ie. pension/savings etc.- do yourself a monthly budget, include an entertainment allowance, and make sure you have some money to play with as rents are not controlled, your landlord can put it up anytime, and as much as he likes. Best option with your package, if you are single is to share! there are budgets that have been posted on this website so do a search. I can't really advise u much more than that as i have only been here 2 weeks myself! Good luck!!
you are looking at about QR 6000-8000 for the 2 bedroom flat alone, a new car will set u back QR1000/1500 then u still have to eat, pay petrol, car maintenance, utilities, insurance, any investments u have ie. pension/savings etc.- do yourself a monthly budget, include an entertainment allowance, and make sure you have some money to play with as rents are not controlled, your landlord can put it up anytime, and as much as he likes. Best option with your package, if you are single is to share! there are budgets that have been posted on this website so do a search. I can't really advise u much more than that as i have only been here 2 weeks myself! Good luck!!