hasel i have had out here since i have been out here. Women get hasseled like mad out here espeically if a women walks around alone ( or with dogs!!)!The fact is if you are female you will get harrassed and pestered beyond belief!! its no way to live your life out here and gypsy is right ( and dont thingk for one second that you are stupid when you get in a taxi bless you), but what can we do about it? the police dont take it seriously, no-one takes it seriously.... i know carry a weapon around with me, i will have no problem hurting the next guy who tries it on with me. the looks, sneerings, smirking i can handel and but the men approach you and dont leave up then its time for action! What can they do to me, this is a muslim country from what i have read and studied a man shouldnt be approching me if hes not my husband, cousin etc from what i can tell im in my right to hurt him!!