I am not saying stop fighting but make sure the people you are fighting for actually want you or need you to fight for them.
I am not questioning your self respect but be honest humans due tend to this. If I can hide behind a cause I don't have to work on myself. I am too busy to evaluate myself.

Many women in the US have chosen to stop work and raise families. Have the abadoned the cause or just added another dimension? One that was being taken away by the pressure to be a part of the movement and its guidelines. Do they have right to work or not work? Do they have the right to raise their families or become a coporate leader? Yes they do. However if they chose to not work they are lambasted as subjating themselves to men.

I just don't have to fight the causes or campaigns that are the latest buzz in the media. I can actually respect a person enough to ask them first do you need my help. The people who get caught in campaigns fail to realize this. The best campaign is to change yourself at least that is one less messed up person in the world. Change yourself, your family, your fathers, uncles, brothers, teach your sons to respect women. Show your sons what a woman who respects herself looks like.

I will never stop fighting. I am having a hard time fighting with myself.

Act your age not your shoe size