
I beg to difer your reply is still a cop out. My point was not that. I worked closely with employee relations at my last job. The majority of our cases were not men versus women issues but women versus women issues. It opened my eyes alot. Women have a lot of freedoms the same as African Americans also. They also have got caught up and still are looking at the temporary cures. However the lack of self respect is so evident.

It is one of the key ingredients to helping solve the problems but many of us have lost it in the campaigns. A woman can be naked or wearing a Burkha if she doesn't respect herself how can a man respect her. You can hide behind the shouts and campaigns but what happens when you go to China and fufill the mission.... You still have to come home and look at yourself in the mirror... So ask yourself who are you fighting for women rights or are you just keeping yourself busy so you don't have to look at your own issues.

Act your age not your shoe size