how hilarious you think my life is so sad i made up the stalker story???? well you are entitled to your own opinion about me and my husband.

You think im lying and making things up because my life is so sad i have to do that! Thats fine too.

i dont lie sexydoctor im a buddhist and i believe in karma.

i dont care what you think of me or my husband

What i said was the truth and was actually happening to me ( thankfully it has stopped now truth walks with me and the dogs each moring now for those who are interested)

You are a very sad person who feels better about himself by putting people down, i feel sorry for you and i also thank you for teaching me patience and understanding about people like you

this is the last if it sexy doctor carry on saying things about me and my husband if thats what you have to do to feel good about yourself then im happy that we are making you feel good about yourself