that and thank you for the warning Kerrie! but i must admit i always can get things returned and exchanged its about making as much of a nusiance of yourself as possible!! You can get things returned! one incidnet of mine stick out - once i brought a book in Waterstones back in the Uk and somehow managed to drop the carrier bag which i was carrying the newly purchased book in... so i went back to the shop and compaliend about the quality of the carrier bag and if it had been decnet i wouldnt have dropped it! Eventually they gave into me and repalced the book i lost ....its not a case of being rude or aggresive, you just put your bag on the table sigh loudly and keep telling them they have to accept the return - of they say no then say im not leaving, then start singing or something and refuse to move till they see things your way- always works! I mean we work hard for our money you know!
love life!