agree with the statement - me and my husband are both expats from the uk and both working - but when i work out how much money we spend each month its a huge amount moonbeam is right in what she says about the expenses and han19 is right too, people do survive out here on a lot less. it shocks me each month when i work out what we have spent that month and what it goes on! yes we both have good packages which offer housing, health and car allowances and we are very lucky to have that! but i also wonder how the people out here who dont have that survive? its very hard for all people out here to cope the price of everything is rising even the food i have noticed prices are going up and up! what can we do thou, i have spent the majority of my life dirt poor up till now,and i can sympathse with these people who arent as lucky as me - you know that feeling of can i afford to eat this month, and can i pay the rent its horrid and i wish people would realize this before outting costs up