if i was back home i would have been able to get a restraining order on this guy, i dont even think this would happen back home - i worked in a pub for many years and dealt with plenty of sleazeballs in my time but nothing like this guy hes mental! han19 i like the idea of recording what he says thats a good idea! i really want this guy off the streets cos if hes happy to do this to me - it means he does it too other people too. the main thing which worrys me is what else is he capable of i worry about the housemaid which he probably has and other women he might approach. Am i naieve in thinking muslim men wouldnt be like that? and then christan men too i believe that they wouldnt do things like this either!
on another point someone suggested a lwalking group along the corniche! That would be a great idea if we could arrange that!
thank you everyone for reading this and taking the time to reply its very good of you all. I just want people to be aware that its not so safe out here as you think!
if i was back home i would have been able to get a restraining order on this guy, i dont even think this would happen back home - i worked in a pub for many years and dealt with plenty of sleazeballs in my time but nothing like this guy hes mental! han19 i like the idea of recording what he says thats a good idea! i really want this guy off the streets cos if hes happy to do this to me - it means he does it too other people too. the main thing which worrys me is what else is he capable of i worry about the housemaid which he probably has and other women he might approach. Am i naieve in thinking muslim men wouldnt be like that? and then christan men too i believe that they wouldnt do things like this either!
on another point someone suggested a lwalking group along the corniche! That would be a great idea if we could arrange that!
thank you everyone for reading this and taking the time to reply its very good of you all. I just want people to be aware that its not so safe out here as you think!