I totally understand Supernurse. I sure wouldn't want a fresh grad working on me here that hadn't proved herself in her own home country. I know in my profession we wouldn't take anyone less then 5 years experience. This is not a training ground, it is supposed to be for experienced personnel. In their home environments, they will be under supervision, but here, you are expected to be fully functional and ready to do the job. The probation period is for everyone, but is not a training period, as much as it is a proving period.
I totally understand Supernurse. I sure wouldn't want a fresh grad working on me here that hadn't proved herself in her own home country. I know in my profession we wouldn't take anyone less then 5 years experience. This is not a training ground, it is supposed to be for experienced personnel. In their home environments, they will be under supervision, but here, you are expected to be fully functional and ready to do the job. The probation period is for everyone, but is not a training period, as much as it is a proving period.