thankyou for answering my question - that was good of you. Yeah i had heard that muslim was the fastest growing religon in the world. I believe that all religions are equal and no one religion is better than another persons. As long as we all try and live out lifes the right way without harming other beings then we cant go wrong. At the end of the day everyone wants to be happy if religion brings that to you, then good, if just living and being you brings you happiness then good too. Everyone is equal and wants the same thing in this world to be happy! I belive in buddhism wasnt born a buddhist it just kind of called me. I dont quite understand where all this huge debate over the muslim religon comes from? Why are no other religions discussed this way like on Ql? I know we all live in a muslim coutry and abide by the certain rules and that makes people question the religon, but we live in a muslim country so we deal with it. Why are no other religions torn apart the way the muslim religon seems to be?

Remember this motto to live by:
"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving
safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in
sideways, chocolate in one hand martini in the other screaming oh what a ride"