I like this thread. A lot of women nowdays have lost the point. It is not about owning someone but wanting to see that person happy and taking pleasure in their happiness. How can you be a prisoner when you hold the key?

My mother made sure all her sons knew how to cook and clean. I can do this better than many woman that I have been around. However I let my wife do these things for me and I help when she needs assistance. I know she can open her own soda cans but she lets me. I can feed my ownself but I let her do it sometimes and I also feed her. We have to depend on each other so in terms we are slaves to each other because in Islam a slave has the same rights as the master (yes a lot of Muslims have forgotten this or choose to ignore it). The context of the word slave to a most Muslims means something different than what most westerners think of the same word. The context for most Westerners when you say slave is one who is subservient and beneath their owner, being whipped,sold and chained. For most Muslims we are servants of Allah so we see this as a beautiful thing. I heard someone ask Angela Davis once what does freedom mean to her? She answered I can't tell you much about freedom because I have never truly been free.

We always depend on someone. Husband depend on wives, wive depend on husbands, children depend on parents then parents depend on children. I work and depend on my company to give me money. My company depends on me to work so they can make money. If I can't fix my car I depend on my mechanic who in turns depends on me for money for his livelyhood. We all depend on our creator wheter we believe in such a thing or not.

Act your age not your shoe size