Horrible qataries and wonderful qataries. Horrible bahrainis and wonderful ones. Actually I've never met any horrible omani... But my point is that you cannot generalise.
Back to the smoking laws, I was yesterday in the City Center (again ) and saw a group of qataries smoking in a restaurant in the upper floor. I've started to smoke once again and seeing nationals smoking in the city center made me feel like lighting up a cigarrette myself. Too bad I didn't carry any cigarrettes with me.
Horrible qataries and wonderful qataries. Horrible bahrainis and wonderful ones. Actually I've never met any horrible omani... But my point is that you cannot generalise.
Back to the smoking laws, I was yesterday in the City Center (again ) and saw a group of qataries smoking in a restaurant in the upper floor. I've started to smoke once again and seeing nationals smoking in the city center made me feel like lighting up a cigarrette myself. Too bad I didn't carry any cigarrettes with me.