Yes, I agree DG.
I think one of the key issues is the US support of terrorism when it suits them. There seem to be similiar double standadrs when it comes to diplomatic relation with countries that have democracy or not (i.e. Cuba, Iran, etc etc are problematic because they are not democracies, but Saudi and Qatar, because they have lots of oil are not). I think one problem is the US attempt to homogenise different societies so that it reflects the current values they are trying to promote. Hopefully, with a change of administration, this might at least diminish.
I also have to concede your pount about action and reaction, but I do belive that at times the only way out of chaos is through to diplomacy. I would like to stress that Israel has been blatantly spectacular at ignoring UN resolutions it agreed to, and to conceeding territory it was meant to hand over to satisfy these. For a country the UK (and I hate the Blair administration!) and US want to call an ally it seems pretty bad behaviour.