Qatar is a very different country to Scotland, and the way they do business here is different. It is much easier for a girl to find a job if she is sponsored by a family member (father or husband), and it would be much easier for the company to hire you as well without going through all the paperwork. In addition, if you intend to live in Qatar with your boyfriend, you should be aware that this is illegal according to local laws. You have to be married to share residence.
I am not saying you should get married before you come here. What I am saying is that things would be much easier for you if you were married. And it's not only the "money" issue for the company that wants to hire you, it's the hassle of immigration paperwork, time involved and the fact that they will be employing someone who is breaking Qatar's laws. It is also better for you: if you are not happy with your job or your company, or you lose your job your only two options will be: stick with a bad job for the sake of your relationship and being together, or leave the country without the right of coming back for some time. If you are sponsored by your husband you can change jobs as you please without leaving the country.
Qatar is a very different country to Scotland, and the way they do business here is different. It is much easier for a girl to find a job if she is sponsored by a family member (father or husband), and it would be much easier for the company to hire you as well without going through all the paperwork. In addition, if you intend to live in Qatar with your boyfriend, you should be aware that this is illegal according to local laws. You have to be married to share residence.
I am not saying you should get married before you come here. What I am saying is that things would be much easier for you if you were married. And it's not only the "money" issue for the company that wants to hire you, it's the hassle of immigration paperwork, time involved and the fact that they will be employing someone who is breaking Qatar's laws. It is also better for you: if you are not happy with your job or your company, or you lose your job your only two options will be: stick with a bad job for the sake of your relationship and being together, or leave the country without the right of coming back for some time. If you are sponsored by your husband you can change jobs as you please without leaving the country.