I´m sorry it doesn´t make sense to you. It does make perfect sense to me and that´s what matters.
You are a muslim, so will not be able to read the new testament with an open mind. You have your own preconceptions. Just as I have mine, and I will never understand Islam.
You see, Jesus predicted the coming of and Antichrist, who he describes as a false prhofet of God. I interpret this not just one, but as many, like Bush for example (He says God talks to him), or even like some past catholic Popes, and like the phrofet of Islam. Antichrists justify killings in the name of God. So I will never be able to understand Islam with an open mind. And that´s my problem and what makes sense to me.
I didn´t even know that the theory of Trinity came only after 400 years. In fact, if you were bothered to read the New Testament you will see that the Trinity (the Father the Son and the Conforter as one God) was formulated by Jesus himself.
I´m sorry it doesn´t make sense to you. It does make perfect sense to me and that´s what matters.
You are a muslim, so will not be able to read the new testament with an open mind. You have your own preconceptions. Just as I have mine, and I will never understand Islam.
You see, Jesus predicted the coming of and Antichrist, who he describes as a false prhofet of God. I interpret this not just one, but as many, like Bush for example (He says God talks to him), or even like some past catholic Popes, and like the phrofet of Islam. Antichrists justify killings in the name of God. So I will never be able to understand Islam with an open mind. And that´s my problem and what makes sense to me.
I didn´t even know that the theory of Trinity came only after 400 years. In fact, if you were bothered to read the New Testament you will see that the Trinity (the Father the Son and the Conforter as one God) was formulated by Jesus himself.