My god... ive never seen so many male wimps. Where are all the chest beating cavemen chanting "i bring cook... unga bunga".

Heres my tuppence worth anyway. I am a great supporter of the traditional roles where the man goes to bring home the bacon and provide for his family while the woman takes care of the household and raises the children. However, i am not saying thats the only acceptable scenario. I just feel that men and women differ enough to be better at certain things than the other.

I am not demeaning the role of wife and mother. I honestly believe that it is more important than the job i do, for example, in the whole scheme of things. Its an often thankless job and i admire women who choose to do it.

I dont believe in role reversal because simply, i think men are often crap at managing a household and rearing children.

Now if a woman has a career that she wants to pursue, and no children are involved, good luck to her. I fully expect her husband to share the management of the home if she is sharing in the income provision.