Condoms prevent diseases, so is perfectly ok to give it to young boys and girls.
Abortion is murder and it should never be allowed.
Music, films etc... Freedoom of expression. If you don´t like it, you don´t have to watch it.
Educate your children. Discipline YES. Abuse NO.
I couldn´t care less about someones private life as long as he does his job. Take Bill Clinton, a truly good president, why should I care what he does with who in his privacy?
What does all this have to do with Sept 11?
Religion should not be taught in schools.
Condoms prevent diseases, so is perfectly ok to give it to young boys and girls.
Abortion is murder and it should never be allowed.
Music, films etc... Freedoom of expression. If you don´t like it, you don´t have to watch it.
Educate your children. Discipline YES. Abuse NO.
I couldn´t care less about someones private life as long as he does his job. Take Bill Clinton, a truly good president, why should I care what he does with who in his privacy?