Hi Safwany/Ayman,

Have seen your posts and have taken note of both your number and email for potential help when I arrive. I've been actively looking at the Gulf Times Classifieds for some help as well and have found some interesting possibilities. I only need a place of my own as of April 2006 though since I am accomodated by my employer for the first 2 months.

Will be looking for a 2 bedroom place - preferably villa (I want outside access/play area for my daughter) but would settle for a flat that has a balcony at least. Budget up to 8000 QR/mth for accom. So far villas seems to be in a higher range than that and no less than 3 bedrooms?!?! Would LOVE a place where there is a gym and/or a pool, but this is not absolutely necessary. We are very open-minded Canadians and will take what we can get! :)

Thank you for your help!