Atesham shaikh

Atesham shaikh

Member since: March 2022
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 The Human Resource Manager
 Sub: Application for the post of mechanical enigneer
 Dear Sir,
             With reference to the above subject, I avail this opportunity to introduce myself shaikh atesham, I am in a field where creative and logical thinking is must and I am confident that I do justice to my work with my talent and skills.
 Being actively involved in the field of Mechanical for 3+ years, I have gained wide experience. This experience had benefited professionally and broadened my creative and logical thinking in the Mechanical field.
 I’m enclosing here my Curriculum Vitae for your kind consideration of my candidature and hope that I may get an opportunity to prove my worthiness.
 Keeping in view of my qualification, knowledge and experience, I am confident that I can fulfil the above-mentioned assignment perfectly and live up to your expectations. 
 Looking forward to a favourable response.
                                         Thank you in advance.
 Yours truly,
SHAIKH ATESHAM (mmup/upda ) certified
mechanical Engineer ( Transferable visa )
Mobile- Qatar +974 7769 7463
Email     [email protected]



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