No local number posted means SCAM.
If you have a family or relatives in Qatar then they...
TOYOTA = iPhone Honda = Samsung Nissan =...
Qatar has civilized youths. While I was working in K.S....
Rizks loses all his hairs 'coz he took the risk of...
The monkey has no significant role in this drama. It's...
Use Viber.
I saw the number 3 on the last lightning flash. And you...
You can buy at Jarir Bookstore....
Do it in Excel, it's easy to adjust the spacing so it...
No local number posted means SCAM.
If you have a family or relatives in Qatar then they...
TOYOTA = iPhone
Honda = Samsung
Nissan =...
Qatar has civilized youths. While I was working in K.S....
Rizks loses all his hairs 'coz he took the risk of...
The monkey has no significant role in this drama. It's...
Use Viber.
I saw the number 3 on the last lightning flash. And you...
You can buy at Jarir Bookstore....
Do it in Excel, it's easy to adjust the spacing so it...