Ever heard of "air brushing" ? He may be ordinry in...
It sounds silly, but the Chinese are the worst when it...
You'll probably found that the Jewish community hav...
One of our employees got a visa for his wife who is...
I think they have plays and dramas , rather than movies...
You might be a red neck if :
Your boat has not...
He's supposed to lookcute, since he's making a sales...
You've summed it up really well. If youwnt to chat or...
How many tmes will this posting occur this month ?...
Got to agree with you. However, schools should teach...
Ever heard of "air brushing" ? He may be ordinry in...
It sounds silly, but the Chinese are the worst when it...
You'll probably found that the Jewish community hav...
One of our employees got a visa for his wife who is...
I think they have plays and dramas , rather than movies...
You might be a red neck if :
Your boat has not...
He's supposed to lookcute, since he's making a sales...
You've summed it up really well. If youwnt to chat or...
How many tmes will this posting occur this month ?...
Got to agree with you. However, schools should teach...