I would reprot him to the athorities also.. I don't...
Sorry to hear of your plight.. Sadly, this occurs too...
Then we'll get a poem like..
Roses are red...
Its good that he's back safely.. Human rights and civil...
Then we'll get postings on QL asking about second...
Got to wash andiron the clothes and just relax.....
It's a two way street.. Women have to relise tha we...
Couldn't have put it better myself. However, as I said...
Silly question! Women look good wih the hair style that...
I think Voltaire sid "I disapprove of what you say, but...
I would reprot him to the athorities also.. I don't...
Sorry to hear of your plight.. Sadly, this occurs too...
Then we'll get a poem like..
Roses are red...
Its good that he's back safely.. Human rights and civil...
Then we'll get postings on QL asking about second...
Got to wash andiron the clothes and just relax.....
It's a two way street.. Women have to relise tha we...
Couldn't have put it better myself. However, as I said...
Silly question! Women look good wih the hair style that...
I think Voltaire sid "I disapprove of what you say, but...