WARNING: No personal attacks. Refer to Community...
LLR, Not at all a convincing explanation.
Your concern for India is well appreciated.
Dowry is Dowry whether Groom pays bride or bride to...
poolsrs111, How is it in your country ? Mens are...
Better late than never...
From the story i understood, she is a house wife.
Zai, Why dont you post your query in new forum, instead...
Now its not, since you made it public
kiekie212, buy ear plugs....
WARNING: No personal attacks. Refer to Community...
LLR, Not at all a convincing explanation.
Your concern for India is well appreciated.
Dowry is Dowry whether Groom pays bride or bride to...
poolsrs111, How is it in your country ?
Mens are...
Better late than never...
From the story i understood, she is a house wife.
...Zai, Why dont you post your query in new forum, instead...
Now its not, since you made it public
kiekie212, buy ear plugs....