Brand new note-4 is now for 1650~1700
3 times higher price for used one. compare to current...
For ur info. brand new note3 is just for 1430 :-(...
Congratulations QL!! Doing great job. Wish you very... reply @britexpat
Brand new is just for 1250
how much tomorrow? :p
its J5 not G5
650 is the best offer for this one.
Why are you lieing. Do you need new one for 1400 with 2...
Brand new note-4 is now for 1650~1700
3 times higher price for used one. compare to current...
For ur info. brand new note3 is just for 1430 :-(...
Congratulations QL!! Doing great job. Wish you very... reply @britexpat
Brand new is just for 1250
how much tomorrow? :p
its J5 not G5
650 is the best offer for this one.
Why are you lieing. Do you need new one for 1400 with 2...