Burning Pan issue never arises as I am the cook at home...
Tah must be busy today..as if thts gonna happen LOL...
LOL UK is it, and was it Ooopesed, y???
Where did the thread about 16 things by Sincerelyyours...
Indeed but I assumed tht Goa was a part of India, silly...
really KB thats news to me :)
Rizks being Indian u are supposed to know who he is,...
20K minimum I would say..
Good Morning All, nice and Chirpy today..
Blank Stare 2
Burning Pan issue never arises as I am the cook at home...
Tah must be busy today..as if thts gonna happen LOL...
LOL UK is it, and was it Ooopesed, y???
Where did the thread about 16 things by Sincerelyyours...
Indeed but I assumed tht Goa was a part of India, silly...
really KB thats news to me :)
Rizks being Indian u are supposed to know who he is,...
20K minimum I would say..
Good Morning All, nice and Chirpy today..
Blank Stare 2