My boss loves it. She is an expert. Very nice, yes,...
Subin, We need to carry only three cards, one for you...
Say yes to a cup of tea plus two biscuits. It is very...
Very nice, good job for the patient. Great.
I am totally different, yes, true. First week end...
You should try to get a new one for the use now...
Shukraan, Welcome from the inner core of my heart, yes...
Welcome from my heart, from the inner core of my heart...
Prachi, Just wait, within next three days you will be...
Hope you are preparing for the journey, God Bless...
My boss loves it. She is an expert. Very nice, yes,...
Subin, We need to carry only three cards, one for you...
Say yes to a cup of tea plus two biscuits. It is very...
Very nice, good job for the patient. Great.
...I am totally different, yes, true.
First week end...
You should try to get a new one for the use now...
Shukraan, Welcome from the inner core of my heart, yes...
Welcome from my heart, from the inner core of my heart...
Prachi, Just wait, within next three days you will be...
Hope you are preparing for the journey, God Bless...