Try Spices Restaurant at Muntaza Area.
Spices Restaurant!!
Depends. If you work for private company/ SME, then...
Check your PM.
Telezoom -> 70-300mm VR Nikon - Cheaper option. Or...
A prime lens would be a good addition. Maybe a 50mm 1....
Try Rivoli at Villagio, opposite GAP I guess. They also...
7000 including all in private company
Lets play. Give me a time, I will be there...
Did you try a wireless router!! LOL
Try Spices Restaurant at Muntaza Area.
Spices Restaurant!!
Depends. If you work for private company/ SME, then...
Check your PM.
Telezoom -> 70-300mm VR Nikon - Cheaper option. Or...
A prime lens would be a good addition. Maybe a 50mm 1....
Try Rivoli at Villagio, opposite GAP I guess. They also...
7000 including all in private company
Lets play. Give me a time, I will be there...
...Did you try a wireless router!! LOL