Which store,
Make them yourself? I really don't understand what...
Darn auto corrections! Should read not QL ' s...
This is not QA ' moderator. This is only a...
My comments were not tied to nationality or gender,...
Where in the world is having a driver's license a...
Revoke bad driver's licenses and impound and sell...
The ban is ineffective because there is no enforcement...
Just enforce the laws on the books now. Pull over...
OK so if it was just for fun, how about a female shows...
Which store,
Make them yourself? I really don't understand what...
Darn auto corrections! Should read not QL ' s...
This is not QA ' moderator. This is only a...
My comments were not tied to nationality or gender,...
Where in the world is having a driver's license a...
Revoke bad driver's licenses and impound and sell...
The ban is ineffective because there is no enforcement...
Just enforce the laws on the books now. Pull over...
OK so if it was just for fun, how about a female shows...