
Verified User
Member since: August 2008

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You can ask for claim but definetly you will suffer...

NEED URGENT HELP PLEASE.. 15 years 11 months

60 percent of the people in DQ are the customers...

Incident at Dairy Queen on Ramada signal Intelligent 15 years 11 months

Definetly he was not a cleaner coz he was wearing...

Incident at Dairy Queen on Ramada signal Intelligent 15 years 11 months

There is not place nice and cheap in doha I believe. If...

where is there somewhere nice but cheap to stay for a few weeks while i visit a friend and look for work 15 years 11 months

There is not place nice and cheap in doha I believe. If...

where is there somewhere nice but cheap to stay for a few weeks while i visit a friend and look for work 15 years 11 months

It should not be less then 28K per month including...

Salary range expectation for IT Architect/Business Analyst from Australia considering a move to Doha 15 years 11 months

It should not be less then 28K per month including...

Salary range expectation for IT Architect/Business Analyst from Australia considering a move to Doha 15 years 11 months

Are you serious or is this a big joke.

I loved...

Deleted by Mod Intelligent 15 years 11 months

You can definetly get your money back but its a pain...

OH MY GOD! I JUST LOST 3000 QR Intelligent 15 years 11 months

Some items are cheaper in Lulu Hyper and some are...

grocery shopping 15 years 11 months
