"US Army should regularly monitors their marine's...
Yes....this is the land of Allah, so keep destroying...
If you want to talk about the incident of soldiers...
Is your article about all US soldiers? No. It's about...
I don't know. I'm not his psychiatrist.
They're saying he had a break down. Could have...
Welcome to the Middle East. Did you expect equality...
I would say only doctor's should be able to carry out...
How was I questioning her Flor. I said it looks like...
It depends Flor, has the person you're killing asked...
"US Army should regularly monitors their marine's...
Yes....this is the land of Allah, so keep destroying...
If you want to talk about the incident of soldiers...
Is your article about all US soldiers? No. It's about...
I don't know. I'm not his psychiatrist.
They're saying he had a break down. Could have...
Welcome to the Middle East. Did you expect equality...
I would say only doctor's should be able to carry out...
How was I questioning her Flor. I said it looks like...
It depends Flor, has the person you're killing asked...