Call waseef. They have the majort contract there...
Depends on the job profile. What other benefits. Any...
Take it to UAE exchange. They accept scottish notes...
got a doubt. SO If one can exchange their UK license...
Yup, the hotel will pick you up as it is under their...
It seems to be coming up. noting definite . With the...
Hotel is the best bet . If he has a US passport , there...
Best is to give one of the private companies . A friend...
Speak to ur company PRO and get the designation...
Call waseef. They have the majort contract there...
Depends on the job profile. What other benefits. Any...
Take it to UAE exchange. They accept scottish notes...
got a doubt. SO If one can exchange their UK license...
Yup, the hotel will pick you up as it is under their...
It seems to be coming up. noting definite . With the...
Hotel is the best bet . If he has a US passport , there...
Best is to give one of the private companies . A friend...
Speak to ur company PRO and get the designation...