As per new rules, if your maid is here on a permanent...
Don't start with Electricity Street, I doubt that this...
Your company is right, some companies cannot chenge...
Onece you got the exit permit, you are free to go...
after the slope RA you will get the immigration RA/Fly...
Yes, why not
I have heard that as per the new law if someone can...
What do you mean by 'Compound Accommodation'. Are you...
If its a big sum try to negotiate with the exchange for...
Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala is the best.
As per new rules, if your maid is here on a permanent...
Don't start with Electricity Street, I doubt that this...
Your company is right, some companies cannot chenge...
Onece you got the exit permit, you are free to go...
after the slope RA you will get the immigration RA/Fly...
Yes, why not
I have heard that as per the new law if someone can...
What do you mean by 'Compound Accommodation'. Are you...
If its a big sum try to negotiate with the exchange for...
Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala is the best.