Yea I don't think these boycotts tend to get results...
^ same
If the client wants them complied to there are
I'm not sure how useful LEEDS would be for a Quantity...
I'm staying at Ezdan but seeing as you have a hotel...
5 languages here only two of them well though...
Try some of the Arabic/Lebanese restaurants......
I'm new here too and met alot of my friends at work....
I am living in Ezdan 3 and find it pretty comfortable...
I have a soft copy of QCS if you require a particular...
Yea I don't think these boycotts tend to get results...
^ same
If the client wants them complied to there are
...I'm not sure how useful LEEDS would be for a Quantity...
I'm staying at Ezdan but seeing as you have a hotel...
5 languages here only two of them well though...
Try some of the Arabic/Lebanese restaurants......
I'm new here too and met alot of my friends at work....
I am living in Ezdan 3 and find it pretty comfortable...
I have a soft copy of QCS if you require a particular...