I believe MR PAUL comes from Yorkshire (up the top end...
Your prose was so admired (I think it was copied almost...
I love to hear your comments on our different dialects...
about some of the other things said on here. To be...
to be healthy and get up early to go to the gym have...
A mole in our midst? lol
It's good that the...
has stealth copied an article from a Qatar newspaper...
Is that an extract from a Qatar Newspaper, stealth?...
Although, God forbid! that I should KNOW any blue jokes...
so it's great the dhow trip is on 12th !!!!! Nice...
I believe MR PAUL comes from Yorkshire (up the top end...
Your prose was so admired (I think it was copied almost...
I love to hear your comments on our different dialects...
about some of the other things said on here. To be...
to be healthy and get up early to go to the gym have...
A mole in our midst? lol
It's good that the...
has stealth copied an article from a Qatar newspaper...
Is that an extract from a Qatar Newspaper, stealth?...
Although, God forbid! that I should KNOW any blue jokes...
so it's great the dhow trip is on 12th !!!!! Nice...