wsalam saeed bhai hows life???? we were...
visper yes they have a very powerful sense...
scientists have said that in order to deviate...
swallow this banana load
it goes directly in his throat and becomes...
pray and pray more or run and pray...
if u cant go to wakra go to abouhamour near...
why are they accusing me of being promiscous...
pajju has nice shoulders like HULK...
so true i am sagittarius
wsalam saeed bhai hows life????
we were...
visper yes they have a very powerful sense...
scientists have said that in order to deviate...
swallow this banana load
it goes directly in his throat and becomes...
pray and pray more or run and pray...
if u cant go to wakra go to abouhamour near...
why are they accusing me of being promiscous...
pajju has nice shoulders like HULK...
so true i am sagittarius